WHO declares monkey-pox a global health emergency

Monkey Pox

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox a global health emergency, the highest level of alert it can issue. The decision was made after a meeting of the WHO’s emergency committee on Saturday, July 23, 2022.

The WHO said that the global monkey-pox outbreak is “a serious, concerning event” and that it is “rapidly evolving.” The virus has been spreading to countries where it is not usually found, and the WHO is concerned that it could continue to spread.

The WHO’s declaration of a global health emergency does not mean that the monkey-pox outbreak is a pandemic. However, it does mean that the WHO believes the outbreak is a serious threat to global health and that it needs to be taken seriously.

The WHO has called on countries to step up their surveillance and response to monkey-pox. It has also said that countries need to share information about the outbreak and work together to stop the spread of the virus.

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